Round Table Spain - Italy Health and Life Sciences 'Innovation through data analytics'. Webinar, 17 th October 2022

The initiative organized in collaboration with Invest in Valencia and the Lombardy Life Sciences Cluster aims to present how Spanish and Italian industries in the Life Sciences sector are facing innovation thanks to data analytics.


Today there is a growing trend of convergence between the technological, health, pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.

Actually, advances in machine learning and AI are paving the way to a new stage of technological progress in these industries that have an overwhelming amount of data, it is a matter of fact that this leads to an improvement in health care, enhancement of the patient experience and lowering of costs.

In this context, the initiative will focus on cases of innovation through data analytics in the Health & Life Sciences sector.
The Spanish and Italian representatives will introduce themselves and share how they have innovated by harnessing the power of data and analytics. They will discuss what challenges they faced and are facing, how they were overcome or what should be done collectively to solve them through new business models.


16.00 Opening remarks

           Felice Lopane, Desk Life Sciences Assolombarda
           Marìa Escartì Barcia, Director Invest in Valencia

16.10  Presentations

    • Patricia Diaz-Gimeno, Research Group Leader Genomic & Systems Reproductive Medicine, Innovation IVI-RMA Global (Valencian Infertility Institute) and Miguel Servet Principal Investigator Health Research Institute La Fe
    • Beatriz Llamusí, CEO, ARTHEx Biotech
    • Andrea Beccari, Strategic Planning & Corporate Business Development Director, Dompé Farmaceutici SpA
    • Erika Negrello, Research Fellow - Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo and University of Pavia; Elena Rauseo, Product manager Health Technologies, Fluid-o-Tech Srl      

16.40 Discussion and Q&A

17.00 Closing remarks

17.05 Speed networking 

Language: English

Meike Bomhof, Vice President Europe of Hull Associates.

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Il valore di un’idea sta nel metterla in pratica
[Thomas Edison]

Se stai leggendo questa frase significa che non stai navigando da qualche minuto e questa modalità di risparmio energetico ti permette di consumare meno quando sei inattivo.

Alle volte per fare bene basta un piccolo gesto: perché anche il poco, giorno dopo giorno, diventerà molto.

Fare impresa sostenibile è il nostro impegno di responsabilità:
significa creare valore per le generazioni future, per gli stakeholder e per l’ambiente.
