Overview of Cassa Integrazione, Dismissals and Unemployment - September 2013

Authorized hours of CIG (Area of Milan), CIG Ordinary (Assolombarda companies) and Unemployment (Italy and other countries).

In the first nine months of 2013 the hours of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni diminished by 0.5% at national level, while they grew by 14% in the Area of Milan: this increase was almost due to the value of September 2013, that augmented by 85% as compared to September 2012 (the CIG Straordinaria increased by 141%).

The stronger utilization of CIG involved also Assolombarda companies, whose CIG authorized hours increased by 53% in September in comparison with last year.

In August 2013 the Italian unemployment rate went up to 12.2% from 12.1% of July. In Europe the rate was stable in France (11.0%), in Germany (5.2%) in Spain (26.2%) and, overall, in Euro Area (12.0%). Instead, in the USA the unemployment rate kept diminishing to 7.3%.

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[Thomas Edison]

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