Overview of Cassa Integrazione, Dismissals and Unemployment - December 2012

Authorized hours of CIG (Milan Area), CIG Ordinary (Assolombarda companies) and Unemployment (Italy and other countries).

At the end of December the total amount of Cassa Integrazione Guadagni was available.

In 2012, the authorized hours of CIG increased by 12.1% at national level as compared with 2011: especially, the growth was due to the CIG Ordinaria (+46.2%) and, in a measure, to the CIG in deroga (+10.9%).

On the contrary, the authorized hours of CIG in the Milan Area diminished by 5.7% in 2012  as compared with 2011; the reduction was due mainly to CIG Straordinaria, that decreased by 21.1%.

In December 2012 the authorized hours of CIG Ordinaria of Assolombarda companies halved as compared with November 2012; they were 22% on the total amount of the CIG in the Milan Area.

In November the Italian unemployment rate was static at 11.1% and kept under the Area Euro average (that grew to 11.8% in November from 11.7% in October). In Europe the unemployment rate was stable in German, while it increased in Spain and in France. In the USA the unemployment rate diminished to 7.8% in November from 7,9% in October.

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For further information please contact the Research Department tel. +390258370.328/300, e-mail stud@assolombarda.it.

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[Thomas Edison]

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