Milano International Life Sciences Forum: a global outlook on European policies for Health and Life Sciences

Assolombarda launches the first edition of an International Life Sciences Forum which gathers together industry experts, companies and istitutions to talk about the most important topics for the industry. The first edition of the event will focus on the EU policies scenario for Pharma, Medtech and Health Care.

Milano International Life Sciences Forum, the first international version of Assolombarda's Forum, gathers together international experts, policymakers and companies to share a global vision on Life Sciences future in Italy, Europe and globally.

During the last two years the international healthcare and life sciences ecosystem has faced numerous challenges on multiple sides. The global pandemic has hit the system on multiple sides, from manufacturing to healthcare delivery.

The whole European Union is still recovering from the global healthcare crisis and meanwhile is focusing its energies on building resilient and effective Healthcare Systems through different programmes. One of these is EU4Health where EU will invest 5.3 billion euro in action with an EU added value, complementing EU countries’ policies for better care, protection of EU citizens from serious cross-borders health threats, improve pharma and medtec and crisis relevant products, strengthening of Healthcare Systems.

The global pandemic has also showed us the relevance of the Life Sciences industry for a healthier future. As a matter of fact, thanks to public-private partnerships the world could access to new vaccines, innovative pharmaceuticals, medical devices, diagnostic technologies and digital health tools to face COVID-19.

However, many challenges still need to be faced to become opportunities for the sector at the EU level: building european strategies for pharmaceutical reshoring, creating common medtech regulatory framework at the European level, defining a European framework for clinical trials.

These are just some of the challenges and opportunities for the industry that will be the focus of the debate of this first edition of the Forum, thanks to the involvement of relevant European stakeholder: European Commission, EFPIA, MedTech Europe, UEHP, Regione Lombardia.


Moderator: Jacki Davis, Meade Davis Communications


  • Letizia Moratti, Vice President & Welfare Councilor, Regione Lombardia
  • Sergio Dompé, Vice President, Assolombarda

Building a competitive Life Sciences Value Chain

  • Giacomo Mattinò, European Commission, Head of Unit DG GROW

European pharma policy scenario: the industry position

  • Nathalie Moll, Director General, EFPIA

The impact of EU regulation on private hospitals: the way ahead

  • Ilaria Giannico, Segretario Generale, UEHP

EU policies for medtech : challenges and opportunities

  • Jessica Imbert, Director for Governmental Affairs and Public Policy, MedTech Europe


Closing Remarks

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For any further information you can contact Felice Lopane and Lara Anna Stoinich - Life Sciences Desk at, tel. 0258370.409-517.


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[Thomas Edison]

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